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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NudgeMail - Reminders Made Easy!

 This is a great trick/tip for counselors... Many people use their phones or iPads to set reminders of upcoming events and important dates, but what about those emails you receive from others that remind you of important dates and deadlines? What do you do with them, especially when you are trying to tackle the current challenges of the day? Don't we look for the nearest pen and jot it down on a piece of paper and pray that we find that piece of paper later in all of the shuffle and clutter on our desk? Or, don't we sometimes write that  important date down in our counseling binder and find the reminder two days AFTER the deadline? This cool trick allows you to forward current emails to yourself hours, days, or even weeks before the deadline so that you will receive the reminder email on the day you need it. Follow these simple instructions or visit NudgeMail to find out more about this "reminders made easy" option! 

Two easy ways to use NudgeMail:

Send any email to

1. Create a new email (or forward an existing one)
2. Set the “to:” to
3. Set the “subject:” to the day, date, or time when you want the NudgeMail to come back to you. For example, “Monday” or “Tomorrow” or “Oct 13″ or “2 hours” are all acceptable ways to send a NudgeMail
4. Enter anything you want in the body of the email, then hit Send!

Or use the email “to:” to control NudgeMail

1. Create a new email (or forward an existing one)
2. Set the “to:” to the day/date/ For example, “” or “” or “” or “” are all acceptable ways to send a NudgeMail
3. Enter anything you want in the subject and body of the email, then hit Send!

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